IPSentry IPSX Web Dashboard

IPSentry IPSX Dashboard Installation Reference
Home | Prerequisites | Installation | IPSX Configuration Wizard | Optional IIS Configuration

Monitoring suite allowing browser based access to your IPSentry device configuration status.

The IPSX Dashboard provides a client interface with non-critical update capabilities based on user credentials allowing real-time device status, graphing, and activity information from Silverlight capable browsers.

The IPSentry IPSX Web Dashboard can be hosted under the provided Cassini* based web server or you may configure Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) to provide the web interface allowing for enhanced security options such as SSL, IP Address restrictions, and other security features available in IIS.

The IPSentry IPSX Dashboard is a complimentary application for use with the IPSentry Network

IPSX Dashboard Prerequisites
View the prerequisite requirements before installing IPSentry IPSX Dashboard

Setup/Installation of IPSentry IPSX Dashboard
Additional information for custom installation options during the IPSX Dashboard Setup installation process.

Using the IPSentry IPSX Dashboard Configuration Wizard
Outlines general usage and recommended configuration settings available through the IPSX Dashboard configuration wizard.

Using Internet Information Services (IIS) for the IPSX Web Server
These documents provide basic configuration steps for utilizing IIS as the IPSX Dashboard server.

Sample of IPSX Web Dashboard
Sample - Click to Zoom

* RGE recommends using Internet Information Services (IIS) if you intend to provide access to the IPSX Dashboard available outside of your local network. 
The included web server is intended for demonstration, pre-production testing, or internal secured network use only.


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