IPSentry IPSX Web Dashboard

Web Server (IIS) Installation for IPSX Dashboard on Windows 7
Home | Prerequisites | Installation | IPSX Configuration Wizard | Optional IIS Configuration

The IPSentry IPSX Dashboard may be hosted under Internet Information Services (IIS) for content delivery.

The following document requires the following actions have already been completed as well as a basic knowledge of IIS configuration under Windows 7.

  1. You have installed IPSentry and configured 5.12.202 or later.
  2. You have already installed Internet Information Services (IIS) with ASP.NET enabled.
  3. You have installed IPSentry IPSX Dashboard.
  4. You have configured the IPSentry IPSX Dashboard using the IPSX Dashboard Configuration Wizard.

Step 1 - Create an application pool and virtual directory for accessing IPSX Dashboard - Optional

While it is not necessary to create an application pool and virtual directory, it is recommended in order to avoid conflicts with existing sites using .NET frameworks other than .NET 4.

Application Pool Configuration

Add the IPSX Dashboard as a new Application

Step 2 - Configuring ASP.NET on IIS for .NET Framework 4

The following actions need only be performed once in order to register ASP.NET 4.0 with IIS

Step 3 - Configuring access rights to the IPSentry application folder

 You should now be able to access the dashboard at 

The URL above may be different depending on the configuration of your default web site, accepted host headers, and other IIS configurations that have been modified from the default installation.




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